Underground cable testing for acceptance test


Is it required to test new installed cables prior to energizing? The cables we are going to test is new. Do we need to test ? Is there any csa code for requirements?
Voltage? What's in the job specs (or are you writing them)?

It's always a good idea to make sure there aren't any shorts, and many people "megger" new installations for under 1000 volts. When you get into MV land, I'd certainly have things tested by certified/trained personnel (and record those readings to compare with future tests).


Toronto, Canada
Is it required to test new installed cables prior to energizing? The cables we are going to test is new. Do we need to test ? Is there any csa code for requirements?
Yes, you need to do the test, as in the IEEE 400. 2-2013.

acceptance test: A field test made after cable system installation, including terminations and joints, but before the cable system is placed in normal service. The test is intended to detect installation damage and to show any gross defects or errors in installation of other system components.

As statics says, there is 2% possibility the acceptance test does not passed after the installation. Good luck to you! Need more info, contact with me.:)


Senior Member
The only code requirement is to satisfy NEC Section 110.7
110.7 Wiring Integrity.
Completed wiring installations shall be free from short circuits, ground faults, or any connections to ground other than as required or permitted elsewhere in this Code.
How to do it is up to you or the Contract Specifications.