I find expansion fitting to be pointless on larger conduits (like about 1.25 or 1.5 or larger) if the length exposed from grade to the termination point is ~3 feet or less. Might not hurt anything to put one in but really think there is seldom any advantage to using them. 3 feet is short enough that thermal expansion isn't much problem most cases, which is really mostly what expansion fittings are for. If you have other physical movement and larger conductors involved you need to be more careful with what you do. Yes an expansion fitting can save the raceway, but if things are moving the contained conductors don't have expansion fittings on them and they better have room to move or they will strain connections, have seen it happen.
To greatly lessen frost heave issues you need to bury the lateral run below maximum frost depth, you also need undisturbed soil or well compacted soil below your lateral run so eventual settling doesn't try to pull it down.