Re: Underground Ductbanks
Bob: I started to type a response that was essentially the same (I would have cited the same note). Then I stopped myself. I was not, and still am not, sure that it applies to the question at hand. That table seems to me to apply to conduits that do not have a concrete encasement.
Then I started looking at the ampacity tables, and at the related notes. It confused me even more. For example, 310.60(C)(2) (and at least one other place in the code) talks about installations that have a burial depth ?modified from the values shown in a figure or a table.? But I could not, in the time I allowed myself to look, find any figure or table that specifies a depth.
For example, Table 310.16 clearly states that it applies to an ambient of 30C, and gives correction factors for different temperatures. By counter-example, Table 310.77 (I have used this one several times in the past) does not state its assumed burial depth. It does refer the reader to Figure 310.60 for installation details. But that figure also does not state its assumed burial depth.
So I am stuck. I have no answer to the original question. Do you know what I am missing?