underround vault

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Senior Member
Our company has underground vaults that have mutibile feeders to our buildings , when someone enters anyof these they are in a energised vault with many 3phase 480v feeders. My question is even if they are inspecting cables besides the ppe required should they have a energised permit ? What about arc flash labeling should these vaults have a arc flash label if you have completed a arc flash study ?

Thanks to anyone who might be able to answer any of these.
Just being down inside a vault [ atleast ours ] a person would be exposed and near to energized wires. These are something you really can,t hang a label to and I was thinking we might need a eewp just to be in there. I never came across this in any post and then it hit me
Do we or outside electricians need one? [permit] Deenergizing all the circuits might never happen. 400 to 800 amp circuits.
This can be a very dangerous task down there.
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