Understanding my generator's capabilities

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This is somewhat related to another post I started, by I felt it may be better to separate the questions. I have a Westinghouse WPro8500 generator, 8,500 running watts, 11,500 peak watts. It has one L14-30R 240V plug, and a number of other 120V plugs. As far as the wattage that the L14-30R line can handle, I would assume it is the 240V X 30A = 7,200 watts, correct? So if that is the case, I suppose the only way to get the full capability of that generator is to use multiple plugs at the same time and watch load balancing to prevent an overload? It also has an L5-30R and four regular 120V plugs. Just want to make sure there isn't something I'm missing on all this as I plan for hurricane season. Thanks!

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
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