Undesirable DC current solutions?

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Senior Member
Bradford County, PA
Industrial Electrician
We've been experiencing problems with the ABB XIO controllers. My thinking is that there is undesirable DC current in the negative busses due to the chassis and all the negative terminals on the I/O cards being bonded to together through the DIN rail. The power terminals on the controller do not have a separate ground, just a positive and a negative, with the negative internally bonded to the chassis.

I see this as the same as the AC definition of undesirable current when the Equipment Grounding Conductor and the Neutral are bonded together at the field devices. Negative DC current anywhere in the system can flow through the grounded negative busses in the controller and the I/O cards.

The problem that is being experienced is the analog input cards lose their "calibration" sometimes for no apparent reason, and sometimes related to a DC breaker opening. When "calibrating" an AI point on these, using the programming software, 4mA and then 20mA is sourced to the card and the chosen Engineering Units are assigned to these values. I would call it scaling, not calibration... So what happens is that instead of the program using the calibrated/scaled units, unexpectedly, other values are used. Of course everything goes whacko, we get called in, and "re-calibrate."

The local ABB Guru was consulted and he said the problem is with the inductive kick back from solenoids, both those operating valves and those operating relays. His solution is to install 6 amp diodes (Six Amps !!!) across all the wet and all the dry contacts of circuits controlling the solenoids. This includes the open collector outputs on the DI/DO cards going to din mounted wafer relays. (Really ???) I was told this was a dirty little secret that ABB knows about but won't publish. (Hmmm, Colonel Mustard, in the drawing room, with the candlestick?)

OK, I haven't personally talked to the Guru about this (a great, very knowledgeable guy) but plan to tomorrow. The solution is what was explained to me by someone else. (Yeah, one of the Fine Fellows involved in the single phase motor VFD fiasco...) I am very familiar with protecting contacts on control devices (especially wet ones) that feed inductive loads with various types of "snubbers." Doing so won't "hurt" anything, although it introduces another potential point of failure. But it will still send the inductive kick back current from the solenoid to the chassis ground where it can still flow through the negative buss of the controller and I/O cards, which I believe is the real problem.

My thought is to electrically isolate the controller and I/O cards from the backplane, thereby producing a system with an isolated ground; the negative to the controller would be the only ground connection. I often see this in quality installations. Will also need to ensure that the negative return from field devices go to the specific I/O terminal point, and not to a convenient negative terminal somewhere else.

So I am asking you fine folks for two things:

1. Are my thought processes on the right track?
2. Can you point out me to some good documentation about installing controllers with isolated grounding? I've looked for stuff, but it all seems to be either about grounding just one end of instrumentation shielding or about receptacles with isolated grounding. I want something independent to show those that make these decisions.

It's already on this week's schedule for the techs to go out and start installing 6A diodes all over the place. If this is a bad idea, like I am convinced it is, I want to "head it off at the pass." (Yeah, I like westerns. :) )
Can you point out me to some good documentation about installing controllers with isolated grounding?
No, but perhaps they will support your written proposal with their own theory, after the diodes fail to resolve the issue.

The ABB guru must be allowed to fail, without internal insubordination.

Empirical evidence pointing to examples of other quality installs, or isolation techniques, which avoid this issue must be checked & tested for validity.

Such testing time & resources will likely require the guru’s recommendation, so you should carefully consider collaboration, as part of your chain of command.
No, but perhaps they will support your written proposal with their own theory, after the diodes fail to resolve the issue.

The ABB guru must be allowed to fail, without internal insubordination.

Empirical evidence pointing to examples of other quality installs, or isolation techniques, which avoid this issue must be checked & tested for validity.

Such testing time & resources will likely require the guru’s recommendation, so you should carefully consider collaboration, as part of your chain of command.
Thanks for the advice. There wouldn't be an insubordination issue. Our shop is an "ABB Value Provider" contractor and the installations we do are for our customers. Regardless of where the idea for the diodes comes from, we take the responsibility, not the Guru. To be fair, the Guru may very well have been given an incorrect view of the problem. Our salesman (another great guy, but not electrically knowledgeable...) is the one that has communicated with the Guru. Just recently had a fiasco that is documented in another Topic with misunderstandings with the same salesman. I am trying to avoid a repeat: https://forums.mikeholt.com/threads/single-phase-motor-on-vfd.2585189/

My concern is for the customers.
I see this as the same as the AC definition of undesirable current when the Equipment Grounding Conductor and the Neutral are bonded together at the field devices. Negative DC current anywhere in the system can flow through the grounded negative busses in the controller and the I/O cards.
You might look to check if you are grounding/bonding enclosures using a star configuration, like a dedicated EGC, and not just the standard daisy-chain as would typically be found using raceways.
You might look to check if you are grounding/bonding enclosures using a star configuration, like a dedicated EGC, and not just the standard daisy-chain as would typically be found using raceways.
I know for sure they are not star configurations, and cannot be without isolating the controller's din rail. It is a system I am at a loss to explain the reasoning for. The DI/DO cards source for the DI's and sink for the DO's with the negative terminals internally bonded to the back of the card where it directly mounts onto the din rail. So too is the controller's negative power terminal internally bonded to the back where it directly mounts onto the din rail. Here's the schematic of the DI/DO card and I just noticed something. There is a zener diode in the circuit. It would act the same as the diode that is being proposed for us to install...

Must remind myself when playing armchair general, to phrase ideas as questions.

Maybe your proposal also needs the sales guy to sell isolation testing to the customer?
I took absolutely no offence. :)

Most of the the ABB XIO panels we service are built either at our headquarters or by us locally. None have isolated grounding. We'd be testing for our own mistakes. Can't hardly charge for that, but probably should be done.
There is a zener diode in the circuit. It would act the same as the diode that is being proposed for us to install...
Can you check if din-rail voltage exceeds Zener diode voltage rating?

In DC circuits voltage ads in series. Each device may ad voltage on din rails.
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Can you check if din-rail voltage exceeds Zener diode voltage rating?

In DC circuits voltage ads in series. Each device may ad voltage on din rails.
Since voltage is measured as a difference in potential, and since ground is the zero reference, and since the din rail is grounded, No device can add voltage to the din rail. However, any device may add current to the din rail when a circuit is completed UNLESS the din rail is "isolated", that is, if it is attached to ground at only one point, so there is not "undesirable current" on the din rail. That is my thought in isolating the din rail. In the case of an XIO controller, the single grounding point is the negative power terminal on the controller.

Folks, can I hear an Amen, or am I off track here?
Hmmm, the info I have gotten so far, as to the remedy, is second-hand from the ABB Guru through the salesman. He did at first say the diodes were to be installed in series with the solenoids. I brushed this off as a misunderstanding because I was thinking in terms of protecting the contacts. But am now thinking that the Guru DOES mean to put them in series with the solenoid, that is between the solenoid and the power connection, to block the inductive kick from causing voltage and current spikes on the DC power busses.

Should know more in a couple hours after talking to the Guru.
Had a good conversation with the ABB Guru. He recommends installing a reversed diode in parallel with any solenoids to short out the inductive kick back current when they are de-energized. Found some terminal blocks with diodes already installed. I've put butt splices on the leads of components before and never cared for it.

How the Guru explained the problem is that the AI cards can lose communication with the processor when a spike of current runs through the ground bus, which is not shielded from the communication bus (sheeze!). This temporary loss of communication results in the process misassigning (?) the proper calibration values to the AI points.

He didn't feel isolating the the din rail would help because all the I/O points are connected together to ground through the din rail anyway.