The Ampere-Imbalance-Factor (AIF) is about 9%. But, without knowing the corresponding Supply Voltage measurements one cannot say with assurance whether the problem is the supply or the motor!
If Supply voltage is the cause, then using the Rule-of-Thumb that Ampere-Imbalance is related to the square of Voltage-Imbalance, then the Voltage-Imbalance-Factor is 3%. The NEMA recommended maximum is 5%!
If the voltage is only slightly unbalanced it can create a much larger current unbalance.
A made a thread about a similar instance I had a couple years ago, but the search engine doesn't seem to be working right now so I can't link you to it.
Just FYI, if it is a submersible pump, the voltage balance factor is MUCH tighter than the NEMA standards, many are 2% and if you do not maintain it, you void the pump warranty (Franklin Pump is like that).