Ungrounded receptacles

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Electrical Contractor
I have been asked to look at an older house for sale in Michigan where the receps were not grounded. My question is this: Can GFCI circuit breakers be installed vs a complete rewiring with equipment grounding conductors?
Yes GFCI protection is one of the NEC approved methods for additional protection of these circuits. What is the wiring method 2-wire, no ground NM cable?
Thank you. I have not inspected it yet. Just going on the potential buyers info. Sales inspection to be performed this week so I'll see what they come back with and then I am meeting the realtor to perform my own inspection. Just thought that GFCI breakers would be a much more affordable option should no ground wire exist. According to the realtor it does have a 100A breaker panel so I would have to assume it has some form of old NM. Not knob and tube!:oops:
You might note that IF you replace the receptacles and they are in an AFCI required area, the new ones must be AFCI protected.
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