Ungrounded Tamperproof

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Senior Member
I have a Day Care Center replacing the existing receptacles with Tamperproof receptacles. Some rooms in the old part of the building have ungrounded receptacles. Rewire is not an option. Is there any company that makes the product I need ?
I doubt you will find two wire tamper resistant receptacles.

Code wise you could use tamper resistant, GFCI receptacles in those locations. Or standard 3 wire, tamper resistant duplex receptacles supplied from a GFCI device.

See NEC 406.4(D)(2)(b) or (c)
Tamperproof Receptacles

Tamperproof Receptacles

So I can feed the circuit with a G.F.I. breaker and install grounded tamperproof receptacles ?
Exception #4 to 406.12(A), (B), &(C) says that you can install a non-TR two wire replacement receptacle where there is no EGC.
I assume that exception exists because no one makes a non-grounded TR receptacle.

That being said, I am not sure that I would do that. There is some danger to the kids in the day care, but then again, if they have two objects, there is no problem sticking the both in a TR receptacle and you don't have to do it at the same time.

Every time I go to a trade show where they have TRs on display, if there are two objects there, they will both be sticking out of the receptacle when I walk away.
Exception #4 to 406.12(A), (B), &(C) says that you can install a non-TR two wire replacement receptacle where there is no EGC.
I assume that exception exists because no one makes a non-grounded TR receptacle.

That being said, I am not sure that I would do that. There is some danger to the kids in the day care, but then again, if they have two objects, there is no problem sticking the both in a TR receptacle and you don't have to do it at the same time.

Every time I go to a trade show where they have TRs on display, if there are two objects there, they will both be sticking out of the receptacle when I walk away.

I've got it down to less than 30 seconds
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