See the next to last sentence of Section 514.8 main text. This can be a bit confusing in the context of the earlier main text's content. While the underground is not typically classified, it is often treated as if it is for fuel dispensing facilities. This is because spillage is frequent enough that there is some concern that fuels may enter the underground wiring and be transmitted as vapors to the above grade through the raceways; hence the requirement that a seal must be installed within 10' of emergence from grade and there be no union, coupling, box, or fitting between the seal and emergence from grade.
That said, between a properly sealed dispenser sump location and the above grade 'emergence' seal, an underground explosionproof union (not an Erickson as mentioned by JGinIndy) is no different than a standard coupling.
NOTE Section 501.15(C)(1) requires seals fittings to be accessible, thus the 'emergence' seal must be above grade.