Unique way to fix a problem without fixing a problem.

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Senior Member
North Georgia mountains
Owner/electrical contractor
I was looking at some stores last week for power monitoring, and found someone had added a 200 amp 480 volt service to feed the parking lot lights. Apparently instead of finding the ground fault that was causing the 1200 amp GFP main to trip, they just added a non-GFP service. looked fairly recent, so I guess they get to make more money when the parking lot feeders eventually melt down!:roll:


Senior Member
Eastern Oregon
I wonder who they convinced that was the right way to fix the problem! Yikes!

So did you get to tell the customer the truth? I'll bet that went over real well...:rant:


Senior Member
I wonder who they convinced that was the right way to fix the problem! Yikes!

So did you get to tell the customer the truth? I'll bet that went over real well...:rant:

What a great way to grow the business first he makes money on the new service, and then he can skin them on the repairs as the lighting breaks down, this guy could have a real future in the banking industry, greedy, crooked, and no respect for his customers.


Senior Member
Yes, it was three days ago I was amp clamping the equipment grounds and showing him current flow on the EGC's. There was a 1/0 straight from the conduit grounding bushings to the busbar with 1.5 amps on it. Every one had current flow and since parallel, they sum.

The reply .. If I look at that I will have to fix it.

I get paid to fix it. I want it fixed.


Senior Member
I had one today. The slum lord said his guy would fix the gfci's at the kitchen and by the kitchen sink and (ON MY INSISTANCE) remove the one by (in) the shower. All I had to do was add the ground rod and ... eh hem... get the permit to clear up the housing inspector code violations.

Had a talk with the housing inspector about what I was hired to do. Told them I would inspect the three outlets.

Slumlord puts in regular GFCI's instead of TR's. Changes out the 120 volt receptacle he put in with a 220v but didn't fix the wiring in the panel so its 120v on a plugged in 220v receptacle window unit. Yes plugged in. He is a slum lord it hasn't worked since ice was invented. Sabotaged the whole job. Inspection in the morning. This is a 2 million $ complex of quadra-plexes. I think he lives there. Takes food stamps, soc sec checks, hot electronics or jewelry for rent then evicts the tenet. Scummy scummy slum lord.
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