unlicenced electrician ad

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Better get used to it... CL has NO system to verify anyone's credentials ~ folks want stuff doen "for cheap"...it's a perfect storm.
celtic said:
Better get used to it... CL has NO system to verify anyone's credentials ~ folks want stuff doen "for cheap"...it's a perfect storm.
Heck of it is that he actually checked "unlicensed" box. I guess he is at least an honest illigal.
bth0mas20 said:
This is amazing that people can advertise that they do all types of electrical work and also say thier unlicenced.

If they say they are not licensed then at least they are being honest. I have checked some of the contractors on Craig's List and some of the one's that say they are licensed really are not, not in this state.

I saw an add for $20 an hour plus materials so I had my doubts about him. He wasn't even smart enough to come up with a good fake license number. :grin: :grin:
both of my cats pull wire. unfortunately, they have a bad habit of damaging the wire, but I still think I'm gonna pack their bags and send em north hehe.
nakulak said:
both of my cats pull wire. unfortunately, they have a bad habit of damaging the wire, but I still think I'm gonna pack their bags and send em north hehe.
"The ferret's anatomy and willingness to run through dark tunnels make them ideal in transporting cables through long pipes. Oilmen in the North Sea, telephone companies, camera crews and people working on airline jets have used ferrets for this purpose. The ferret wears a harness where a long thin nylon line is attached. The nylon line is then connected to the cable that needs to be pulled through the conduit. The use of mechanical devices for this purpose has made the ferret obsolete as a transporter."

I worked with a guy that told me tales of having to bang the wings of airplanes under construction in order to wake up the ferrets. As recently as the late 1960's, Boeing and BCtel used ferrets to pull jetline. (Just think, that plane you flew in may have been ferret strung)

Would be fun the first few times... but you don't have to feed your fish tape :grin:
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