Unobstructed Egress - NEC 110.26 (C) (2)

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New England

The existing MDP in a small electrical room is on the right hand wall when standing in the doorway. It is being replaced with a new 1200A MDP. There is nothing else in the room besides a wireway mounted to the left wall, opposite the MDP (sticks out maybe 6"). Will this suffice for unobstructed egress? Does the MDP need to be mounted at the wall opposite the door so you can walk backwards out of the space?

Thank you,
See NEC2020 Table 110.26(A)(1). The specific answer to your question depends on the voltage of the panel and the distance to the opposite wall as well as what is mounted on that wall.
At this time, it is assumed that the MDP will be greater than 6'-0" long and that I only have 1x proper working clearance (per 110.26(A)(1)) between the wall and the MDP.


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At this time, it is assumed that the MDP will be greater than 6'-0" long and that I only have 1x proper working clearance (per 110.26(A)(1)) between the wall and the MDP.
Therefore, a problem !
Thanks Augie, that's what I figured. Based on the diagram in the handbook, it appears that placing the MDP against the wall opposite the door is compliant regarding the unobstructed egress path exception with a single door, but having it on the right-hand wall is not.
IMO (please see others) the only way you could comply with the single door without the 2X distance would be if, as you say, the door(s) were opposite the gear and opened for the entire width of the gear.
The NEC handbook has an illustration showing a single door across from the gear. I don't think it's the entire length of the gear. Obviously the AHJ has final determination. But, it is at least an indicator that a single door width across from the gear is reasonable for meeting the "unobstructed" exception.
Isn't there an exception if you're replacing existing gear?
Seems like I've seen that somewhere.....
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