Unqualified during an emergency

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New member
A question came up within our facility about whether an unqualified individual was allowed to open a disconnect in an immenent emergency. I am almost positive that I have either read this somewhere our been tought it in a previous safety training class. Is there any documentation in OSHA or the 70E that backs this up? I have been unable to locate any.
What kind of "emergency" are you talking about?

Disconnecting means generally are not intended to be used to open a load that is under power. A qualified person would know this.

Emergency stops are handled by emergency stop circuits. A qualified person would know this.
70E 110.2(C) covers emergency procedures but I'm not really sure what you are asking this for. You mean to de-energize if something happens while doing energized work?
Emergency stops are provided to stop hazardous motion/energy. Their use is extended to cover identifiable hazardous conditions as well. That said, there are failure modes on machine tools that cannot be addressed using Estops.

All machine tools are required to have at least one "Category 0" stop (immediate power deprivation). That device is usually the primary machine disconnect. During an emergency condition all persons are permitted to open the disconnect. It's not a "Qualification" question. It's a "You don't have to let your co-worker get ground to dog food to avoid a disciplinary action" answer.
I would think common sense has to kick in at some point. A person falls into a machine I happen to witness it but am not qualified to operate the machine or the disconnecting means - does that mean I am supposed to just do nothing - except follow procedure and notify proper authority "um someone fell into the machine":( The time that takes may just be too long to save a life depending on the circumstances.
Please define imminent emergency.
A misunderstanding of the words "imminent" and "emergency".
Imminent things are about to happen :: Future
Emergencies are things happening :: Present

Are you talking about a tornado warning or a building on fire?
Both :: Take actions within your qualifications to protect yourself and others.
Fire :: Pull the alarm, grab the kid and run, give a shot at using the extinquisher, or call it in :: Make a decision even if you're not the best qualified rather than let people die. Of course that decision may be to follow the lead of someone standing next to you. Or that decision may still be to wait for help.
House on fire. Turn off the main breaker....yup!

House on fire. Grab a long broomstick and pull the cutout on the pole transformer....nope.

Help within your abilities sounds good to me. Just my humble opinion, though.
House on fire. Turn off the main breaker....yup!

House on fire. Grab a long broomstick and pull the cutout on the pole transformer....nope.

Help within your abilities sounds good to me. Just my humble opinion, though.

That is one lonnnnnggg broomstick:happyyes:
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