In construction, it is common to see long vertical runs of electrical cords and welding cables extending from the ground to high work elevations. In most cases, such runs are not supported which, I believe, can cause elongation of conductors and strech insulation. Such conditions can create hazards to personnel if damages go unnoticed.
Does the NEC/UL/NEMA address this subject and if so what specific section(s)?
Need to know the method/type of support(s), support spacing, when needed, etc. Such info is good ammunition for the enforcement of precautions on construction sites.
Assistance and cooperation appreciated.
Does the NEC/UL/NEMA address this subject and if so what specific section(s)?
Need to know the method/type of support(s), support spacing, when needed, etc. Such info is good ammunition for the enforcement of precautions on construction sites.
Assistance and cooperation appreciated.