Senior Member
I just finished a basic 200 amp service upgrade from 100 amps (PSE&G). Usual GEC bonding from main panel to copper water pipe at main, jumped water meter, water heater/gas pipe bonded and jumped out; and GEC to 2 ground rods; GEC to and cable/tel. ext. bar. Sometime After finished job, customer and I observed that when Microwave runs after several seconds- loads(lugs) down as kit lights dimm proportionately as microwave runs. No dimmer on kit. Lts. Of course customer states !st time occurance after serv. chng. I figure, Trans/Nuetral-problem before meter, or simple defect microwave oven, but why kit Lt dimm? I didn'nt have time yet to anylyze, but Homeowner haven'nt pointed problem to other sections of house or appliances. Any suggestion?