Upgrading B&S portable generator (Storm Responder) to Automatic Voltage Regulation

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New User
New Hampshire, USA
Marine Engineer (ret)
I have an older B&S 5500 watt portable generator that uses a bridge rectifier and varistor to excite the generator coils for voltage production.
With this simple design, it is critical that the generator be running at precisely 3600 rpm in order to output 120vAC.
Later models of this same generator scrapped that exciter circuit and instead upgraded to a true AVR (automatic voltage regulator) component that can assure the 120Vac output over a varying RPM or load situation.
Is it possible (or even practical) to simply replace that old bridge rectifier/varistor in this generator with a B&S true AVR component after removing the rectifier/varistor components?
Have searched all over the web for an answer, so far nothing.
Anyone with experience that can help resolve whether this is possible/practical would be appreciated.

chas pearson