Uploading pictures

Maintenance electrician / Pt licensed contractor
Does anyone know the easiest way to upload pictures from a Samsung phone to the forum? I also quickly tried from a computer but came up with the same result. File to large for server.

Thank you.
Does anyone know the easiest way to upload pictures from a Samsung phone to the forum? I also quickly tried from a computer but came up with the same result. File to large for server.

Thank you.
When I use my phone I download the photo first (if it's a photo from the web). Then click on the photo icon in the tool bar and you drop the photo right into the box.
Yup, taking a screenshot and cropping it is working. I was just overlooking the crop button. Thank you
Do you still need to be a senior member before you can post pictures?
No. That was not an issue in this forum.

Sometimes, mods will not approve a post that contains pics from a new user who fails to fill out their profile or is not allowed to post here (not in the trade), and they THINK it was about the photo.