ups load sharing fault

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we have two dc ups connected parrallel,normally both running 15%load,suddenly the load is change to any one ups and other ups come to 0% load and got fault alarm the message in the display LOAD SHARING FAULT.then we manually transfer the load to ups and reset the fault. both ups battery out put voltage is ok. what is the cause of that fault, how can we solve the problem, any one clear the doubt.
by sivaji.
Re: ups load sharing fault


The only thing I can think of is,How are they connected.
Is it from UPS to UPS to PANEL or,

Is it from UPS to PANEL UPS#2 to PANEL

I could see the first way a possibility to your situation,BUT, my experince is limited,
Re: ups load sharing fault

Originally posted by benaround:

The only thing I can think of is,How are they connected.
Is it from UPS to UPS to PANEL or,

Is it from UPS to PANEL UPS#2 to PANEL

I could see the first way a possibility to your situation,BUT, my experince is limited,
hi, it is connected ups to ups to panel
by sivaji
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