Uptime Institute

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Have a quick question that some colleagues and I have been pondering all day. In the white paper titled: Data Center Site Infrastructure Tier Standard: Topology, put out by the Uptime Institute, there is a chart (table 1) in section 2.7 named Tier Requirements Summary. On that chart in the first coulomb on the left there is a reference to "Active Capacity Components". We debated over what this actually meant. There is no clear definition for the term in the white paper and none of us had ever heard this term used. Our opinions ran the gambit from it referring to items that generate their own power such as generators and items with moving parts such as motors and pumps to distribution equipment such as switchgear, UPS, and ATS's. My personal opinion was that it is referring to any electrical or mechanical equipment that is a critical node to sustain mission operations but we could not come to a consensus. Therefore, I was wondering if anyone else might have run into this little conundrum?
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