URD In Conduit sizing


I am trying to size a PVC conduit Schd 80 for two sets of 250 kcmil -3conductor URD . Would I treat each cable as 1 conductor ? or are they to be treated as six conductors ? I seem to remember cables being treated as 1 conductor using the diameter to find the area of each cable? I'm in the 2023 and it's been changed a bit . Any help would be appreciated.
I think I answered my own question .Chapter 9- Note 9. Tells me to treat them as individual conductors . Sorry for bugging you folks ... unless of course I'm mistaken ? ;-)
A word of caution.. "URD" is not an approved NEC wiring method unless it is a dual rated conductor such as URD-USE, URD-RHW.
URD as a stand alone rating is a utility covered conductor.