URD verses copper pros and cons

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Black Hawk SD
URD verses copper pros and cons

i have had customers want to no the pro's and cons of using URD verses copper

any one have a good web site that i can direct them too

thank you
CGY44 said:
URD verses copper pros and cons

i have had customers want to no the pro's and cons of using URD verses copper

any one have a good web site that i can direct them too

thank you

The only thing I would compare it too is money, its going to be a lot less expensive.
CGY44 said:
URD verses copper pros and cons

i have had customers want to no the pro's and cons of using URD verses copper

any one have a good web site that i can direct them too

thank you

What's URD ?.................
buckofdurham said:
What's URD ?.................

Underground Residential Distribution

Its just like AL. service drop cable but with an insulated neutral, you can get it in many flavors, duplex, triplex, and even quadruplex.

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The poco's almost always use aluminum for UG service laterals. In my own opinion, there is almost no reason to use copper for a residential service (unless you happen to leave near/on the ocean.)

Not only that, aluminum is much less a target for theft. Aluminum scrap prices have not quite reached the level of being desired for widespread thievery like copper.
peter d said:
The poco's almost always use aluminum for UG service laterals. In my own opinion, there is almost no reason to use copper for a residential service (unless you happen to leave near/on the ocean.)

Not only that, aluminum is much less a target for theft. Aluminum scrap prices have not quite reached the level of being desired for widespread thievery like copper.

Just had to replace a 4/0 AL SEU service drop that someone stole sometime between inspection and POCO hookup. :roll:
JohnJ0906 said:
Just had to replace a 4/0 AL SEU service drop that someone stole sometime between inspection and POCO hookup. :roll:

Sad but true...almost anything made of metal is ripe for theft these days...I heard that even steel prices have shot up dramatically in the last few weeks.
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