USE-2 and uses not permitted

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Senior Member
Master Electrician, Electrical Inspector
I’ve followed a lot of previous threads on uses not permitted for USE cable. Cable in question is USE -2 XPLE; also referred to as UD by manufacturer. Seems as though the consensus of the group was that per 338.12(B)(1)&(2) not permitted in interior and only where terminates at an exterior enclosure. Why is it that Table 310.4(A) references both USE and USE-2. Under the USE column it references “See Article 338.” Not with USE-2.

I believe now that after finding 310.10(B)&(C), USE or USE-2, these conductors are not mentioned. I guess I didn’t see these sections previously mentioned in earlier threads. Is this the reasoning by folks saying it must be dual rated with for example RHW or THWN?

If these conductors are not mentioned, why is the usage of this cable compliant in any aspect?

As always, thanks for feedback.
I’ve followed a lot of previous threads on uses not permitted for USE cable. Cable in question is USE -2 XPLE; also referred to as UD by manufacturer. Seems as though the consensus of the group was that per 338.12(B)(1)&(2) not permitted in interior and only where terminates at an exterior enclosure. Why is it that Table 310.4(A) references both USE and USE-2. Under the USE column it references “See Article 338.” Not with USE-2.

I believe now that after finding 310.10(B)&(C), USE or USE-2, these conductors are not mentioned. I guess I didn’t see these sections previously mentioned in earlier threads. Is this the reasoning by folks saying it must be dual rated with for example RHW or THWN?

If these conductors are not mentioned, why is the usage of this cable compliant in any aspect?

As always, thanks for feedback.

310.10 Uses Permitted. The conductors described in 310.104
shall be permitted for use in any of the wiring methods covered
in Chapter 3 and as specified in their respective tables or as
permitted elsewhere in this Code.
(A) Dry Locations. Insulated conductors and cables used in
dry locations shall be any of the types identified in this Code.
(B) Dry and Damp Locations. Insulated conductors and
cables used in dry and damp locations shall be Types FEP,
XHHW-2, Z, or ZW.
(C) Wet Locations. Insulated conductors and cables used in
wet locations shall comply with one of the following:
(1) Be moisture-impervious metal-sheathed
(2) Be types MTW, RHW, RHW-2, TW, THW, THW-2, THHW,
(3) Be of a type listed for use in wet locations
I dont have access to the latest UL product listings, but have found some earlier documentation thate USE and USE-2 not listed for interior wiring. Also makes sense as conductor insulation of either one is not flame retardant. All other of usual building wire has a flame retardant insulation. Hence the requirement to be dual rated with RHW, THWN, etc.
I dont have access to the latest UL product listings, but have found some earlier documentation thate USE and USE-2 not listed for interior wiring. Also makes sense as conductor insulation of either one is not flame retardant. All other of usual building wire has a flame retardant insulation. Hence the requirement to be dual rated with RHW, THWN, etc.
Actually you do have access, but just like the free access to the NEC, it is not very user friendly. Both UL and the NFPA use the same system for free access to their documents. In both cases all you need to do is to register with an email address.
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