200.2(B) Continuity. The continuity of a grounded conductor shall not depend on a connection to a metallic enclosure, raceway, or cable armor.
200.2(B) Talks about the continuity of a "grounded conductor". As in Providing The Ground.
The output of the power company's transformer, provides a pair of opposing hots with a center tap; The Neutral. The power company provides NO GROUND CONNECTIONS OR GROUND WIRES TO THE CUSTOMER.
When the Service enters the the meter sequence, or equivalent gear, WE add the ground by directly connecting our ground rod system to the Utility Neutral.
NONE of that connection can utilize the case, pipe, raceway or armor to provide that ground path.
When I pull from the Meter to a panel, I also pull the ground to the PANEL's Ground Bus. And Also a Neutral to the neutral bus, plus the hots to each Main Bus... The GROUND BUS in the panel is already tied to ground out of the box. The neutral bus tie screw is just "ONE LAST attempt" to tie our neutral down to GROUND at our entry...
Think of your Ground as ALWAYS GROUND, and Neutral is ALWAYS NEUTRAL and never the twain shall exchange themselves. EVEN THOUGH we're bonded as things come into the building.
NOW, if you connect your neutral wire heading off to the sub panel to your ground BUS or The cabinet itself you are Making ground carry current. Ground is only a safety device and connecting everything metal to ground just keeps everything at the same potential...
Ground should never carry current. That's why the three conductors on a "220-221 whatever it takes" line are two hots and an equipment ground. Say you have an outlet on your range, you need to have a white providing the return path for that 120 circuit... Ground doesn't carry current.
Well even though the cabinet is BONDED, that isn't to provide a current path, it is there to provide a safety path. By connecting the sub's neutral not to the neutral bus but the cabinet you are asking that bonding screw plus everything else metal in your building to carry the sub panel's return current. It was never designed for that.
Hope that helps, My mentor explained that one to me back in 87 when I started all of this.
Erika (GizmoGirl)