Using Tray Cable as branch circuit conductors from Bus Plug


Electrical Superintendent
Hi guys--
I'm questioining the use of Type TC cable from a bus plug to a VFD.
In article 336 it lists Type TC cable acceptable for power, lighting, control, and signal circuits.
When I reference Art. 368.56 (Branches from Busways) Type TC cable is not listed for permitted use.
Seems to be conflicting info?
I read 366 & 368 and your correct that 336 seems to permit TC (may have to be TC-ER) and 368 does not list it as a wiring method. Ryan Jackson say's "if the code doesn't say you can't" then you can. TC has to be in a raceway or a cable tray so I would think you are fine.
Interesting "catch"...
I agree with Eddie but I'd likely run it by an AHJ beforehand in the event he reads it as closely as you have :)