I have been doing electrical installations for almost 17 years in Austin and now in Dallas, Texas. I have recently been red tagged on a house CO inspection for the outlets in the utility room being on a different circuit than that of the laundry circuit. I have the required "Laundry Circuit" designated for the washing machine as required by art. 210.11 c. I also have a mop sink in the utility room which has a outlet beside it. I have the outlet by the sink on the garage GFI circuit, as it gets the HR from the garage panel to the gfi and then jumps around the house catching all wp outlets outside and the outlet at the utility sink. Q: is this a violation to have an outlet in the utility on a seperate circuit than that of the laundry? All the documentation that I can find only says that the 20 amp laundry branch circuit shall be permitted to supply other outlets in the room but may not leave the room to supply other outlets or lighting outside the utility. I cannot find anywhere where is says that additional circuits are not permitted in this area to provide power to additional outlets not attached to the laundry circuit and be able to jump to another room. If so is it also a violation to run dedicated circuits to freezers and refridgerators in this same area? Thanks, and looking forward to some clarification.