I've heard from a couple of people that our utility is implementing a voltage optimization program over the next few years.
It has always seemed like most of the electric services run a little hot around here. 480V services often have around 500 V at main panel.
I assume the utilities will be reducing voltages in an attempt to reduce losses and/or to reduce energy consumption. But wouldn't higher voltages result in less current for most loads (motors, lighting ballasts, etc), actually increasing efficiency?
Has anyone else heard about any utilities doing this? Any negative effects on customers?
It has always seemed like most of the electric services run a little hot around here. 480V services often have around 500 V at main panel.
I assume the utilities will be reducing voltages in an attempt to reduce losses and/or to reduce energy consumption. But wouldn't higher voltages result in less current for most loads (motors, lighting ballasts, etc), actually increasing efficiency?
Has anyone else heard about any utilities doing this? Any negative effects on customers?