Vapor-Tite boxes

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Senior Member
North Dakota, where I’m at, has requirements for,
“All new construction shall follow the energy-efficient related requirements for design and construction of buildings in accordance with the locally adopted codes or North Dakota State Building Code.”

Generally this means using vapor-title boxes everywhere you will be placing a box that will penetrate the building envelope.
Vapor-title boxes specifically aren’t called out, you just have to adhere to the above mentioned energy codes, so a vapor-title box is acceptable to accomplish that rule.
If the building is spray foamed you can use regular boxes.

This has been in effect for about the last 10 years or so. I can understand it since winters a cold and windy.
I’m just wondering if other states or places have similar rules and how you handle it.

vapor-title boxes get expensive!
No requirements in my state that I’m aware of, but I use air tight boxes anyway because it’s the right thing to do. My suppliers don’t stock them because no one else buys them.

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