Variable Speed Fan Controls

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Senior Member
I'm electrical and know precious little about a number of things outside my area. I have been asked to approve a submittal for a variable fan controller for some old residential style fans that were on a different variable speed controller for a school. I have tried to duck the question numerous times, as I specify fan controller by fan manufacturer when I have to specify the fan controller at all.

Would you please let me know if there are any pitfalls in approving a UL listed rotary fan controller to control two fans that were previously on a similar controller for 4 fans?

Thank you.
What kind of fans?

Paddle type ceiling fans? If so those fans won't so much care about the controller as the controller will care about being overloaded by too many fans, amp rating is really more important then number of fans it may say it is rated for.

If some other type of fan give us more details, though what I said above mostly applies to any PSC or shaded pole motor.
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