VAV Box Control Circuit

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Fellow Electrical Industry Team,

We have a situation in which a local inspector is questioning the electrical box clearance with the control transformer (120V/24V) for some of the VAV Boxes installed in a higher education project. The electrical box installation is cleared 30" only, but the inspector is enforcing Table 110.26(A)(1).

Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

Best regards,


I'd say you are deeply in an AHJ decision situation. How much of the circuitry is 120 volt and how much is "subject to be examined, adjusted or serviced while energized" will, of course, effect the decision. Take note of of (b) under 110.26(A)(1).
Locally, if the 120v only feeds a transformer and the 120v terminations are not exposed, distances less than those shown in Table 110.16(A)(1) are allowed.
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