Vertical Cable Support

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Senior Member
New York City
I understand the requirement on table 300.19a but have a discussion with a coworker . We have a pass trough feeder with 4 panel 500 kcmil feeder in a vertical run. The vertical length of each feeder between the panel is 38 feet from the lugs on top of the panel to the lugs on the bottom of the next panel. He says that not vertical support is required because the length is less than the value on the table 300.19a . The way that I see it is that you always need a support when you have vertical run now is the ruins less than the value of the table you going to need one the most close to the top in order to not stres the lugs or the wire termination. What is your opinion?
Although I think vertical support of the 500s might be a good idea, 300.19 states "when the vertical rise exceeds the values in the Table", so, by Code, none is required.
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