VGA on my home theater

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Senior Member
Broward Co.
I just renovated in a home theater type setup in my home office and turned it into a media rm/office type room, I don't know how to post pics or I would, but anywhere here is the problem I am having.

I got a TV and am operating my TV and my computer monitor through the computers VGA output. I put a VGA splitter on the output of the computer, about 12" long, and from the splitter I have a 15' VGA cable to the TV, and the 6' monitor cable the computer came with to the monitor. When I have the monitor and computer both plugged in to the splitter I get kind of a fuzzy picture, not real bad at all, but noticably different.

I am thinking about just buying top of the line splitter and VGA cables, but don't wan't to do that if that isn't the problem. Any ideas on what would cause this, or is there a better more professional way to set this up?

I know this is borderline for the LV field, but I'm sure plenty of you are familiar with this stuff and can offer some insight.
I've scaled between the 800x600 resolution and the next 1024x768 resolution, which is the next option and get the same type of result. I currently use the 1024/768 res.
A 16 pin VGA cable. Can you explain the true TV card? And this will also allow me to operate my computer monitor and TV together?

They make a TV card for monitors, so it'd be just another window on your screen Showing TV, They also make a card that can run two monitors. Now I do know that VGA and TV Tube (till Digital were not the Same) are not handled directly the same per the signal reiceive or treat the signal the Same, till they came out with digital monitors.

You could be driving old Tech., try'n to get to another plain with to your newer model, and I mean it can be as little as two years difference between them.

Tiget direct or Compuservice or your favorite on-line supply house...
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What type of tv are you using. Flat panel , Old tube , what inputs are you using on the TV?
What type of tv are you using. Flat panel , Old tube , what inputs are you using on the TV?

The TV is a 50" plasma. I'm using the RCG input on the TV, and that's all right now, all I have it hooked up to currently is the computer.

Nice job on the floor.

I think the issue is that VGA just isn't intended to be passively split without driving circuitry for each port, especially from a laptop.

I suggest looking for a VGA distribution amp/splitter.
is your vga splitter an active splitter or a Y cable? get an active splitter.

what kind of VGA cables are you using? You want the ones which have actual little coaxes inside for the three video signals. The ones i have here are about 3/8" diameter and ive used them 100 feet at higher resolutions with no problem.
is your vga splitter an active splitter or a Y cable? get an active splitter.

what kind of VGA cables are you using? You want the ones which have actual little coaxes inside for the three video signals. The ones i have here are about 3/8" diameter and ive used them 100 feet at higher resolutions with no problem.

To update I got around to getting a dual VGA card and installed it into my computer, then routed my VGAs to this and it cleared up the problem. Out of the card there are 2 VGA outputs and an HDMI output. First I tried using the HDMI but it sent the audio signal up to the TV and messed up my surround sound configuration from the computer output, so I put the VGA back on and now am running a split monitor.

I was running a Y type VGA splitter and that is when I was getting the distorted signal, all the cables are short, 15' to TV and 6' to monitor.
you should be able to disable the internal speakers of your television and keep the card w/ the HDMI output.

I would imagine that card is more suitable for HD video simply because of its processing power. VGA is perfectly acceptable for HD, but usually when that's all a card has, now days, its a low grade video card.

I've been using an nvidia 9600GT 1GB DDR3 video card w/ dual DVI outputs for quite some time with great results. Plays HD video perfectly.

If you really want to get into media, look into Windows Media Center. I've been using it for awhile and love it. Windows 7 Media Center is awesome once you add a TV tuner, a couple of TB's of disk space, DVD rips, etc. . .

There are other options available but I really like WMC.
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