Vintage Cutler CH Breaker - 2 Pole GFI

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Hello, I've been browsing these forums for years and never have been stumped so much as to ever need to post until now! Anyhow I have a 1970's CH panel, which I have a multi-branch circuit that I need to put a GFCI breaker on. I had thought I was all set, until I realized this breaker doesn't fit, and nearly broke the tabs off. You can see the two variations in breakers, the rounded part on the GFI gets rejected by the plastic piece in the panel. I've been searching for hours now, can't find any two-pole GFI breakers which fit (production or refurbs), I've seen some recommendations to grind down the either piece to make this work, which I'm really not interested in doing. Needless to say, I can't find a clear solution, and I really don't want to replace a panel for this. The circuit feeds outlets in the kitchen which have stone faceplates which I'd like to keep, plus if I switch to GFI outlets I'm not sure they'll fit since I have aluminum to copper pigtails taking up massive space in the box (the purple zinc ones). Does anyone have any ideas of how I should go about this? It looks like the wire splits at the 120V stove (gas), and I can't put the GFI back there and feed downstream as it's not accessible. I'm ready to lose my mind and appreciate any help! Thank you!!

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