Vintage Marquee Sign Switch


Senior Member
What is the name of the switch that turns on alternating circuits to make a marquee sign arrow flash back and forth? thanks.


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jim dungar

Staff member
PE (Retired) - Power Systems
Sometimes "interrupter" and even just a simple "flasher".
Flasher would provably be all on and all off AR the same time.
One light after the other would be a sequence.

I built my first electronic one for a theatre show back in 1977.
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Staff member
Placerville, CA, USA
Retired PV System Designer
These days a bunch of either solid state or mechanical contactors controlled by a PLC might actually be cost effective.
To present a stable sense of motion in one direction (a chase) with evenly spaced lights requires at least 3 circuits.
Since a 4 circuit mechanical chaser is under $400, there isn't much point is assembling something yourself.

Oh, and a couple of the sign parts companies call what the OP asked about an "alternating flasher", a blinker is one circuit on/off.


Senior Member
North Georgia mountains
Owner/electrical contractor
The only one I worked on, back in the late 70’s had a clock motor that drove a cam with two contacts on it to alternate the lamps. Don’t know what it was called though.


Electron manager
NE Nebraska
Given the challenge, having spare parts and time, I disagree.
Same here. You can get rather basic Clic PLC from Automation Direct for around $125. You need a 24VDC power supply which they have for another $50

Program for this kind of thing would be pretty simple so shouldn't take much of your time to program it as long as you understand how to use the programming software, which is a free download. Same program can be loaded into other units if there would happen to be more units to program so you only have to write the program one time.

You would also be able to introduce other output options rather easily compared to the fixed output of cam driven timer switches as in changing speed or even direction of the "chasing lights".