Voice Evacuation

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Senior Member
Las Cruces N.M.
I am looking for requirements for voice evacuation systems beyond fire alarm voice evac. A large food processor in town has mentioned the need for plant wide voice evaucation, but is unsure where the requirement comes from.

I tried to search the OSHA website, but had no luck. Can anyone direct me to some government requirements relating to the need for general voice evac?


Jim T
Ask him where the request came from, if it's just an idea ask him if it's OK for you to go to the locals and ask. I say ask permission because some people get very sensitive if you go to the locals without their permission. Then, ask him if it's OK to ask his insurance agent if they would be inclined to support the installation, insurance agents will never lower their rates, but the may agree to freeze them if he installs a voice system. Thirdly, see if the existing fire alarm system, if there is one, supports voice with the same processor. A lot of the big do. If he doesn't have a fire alarm tell him a new voice system can probably get him half way to a fire alarm.
This maybe a new requirement coming in 2007. I believe it maybe referred as mass evacuation system.
NFPA 101 and local jurisdictions are the way to investigate this. If your customer decides to have this installation, there may be different areas of the code that you will need to find your info from. The power source will have a lot to do with this, such as Class 2 or 3 or some other source of power such as from the Fire Alarm System.
Also make sure of the language requirements for the people employed at the food processing facility. There have been very lively discussions regarding voice evacuations if the people can't understand what the evacuation message is saying here in SW Florida.

In the NFPA 72 fire alarm code, section 6.9.2 Emergency Voice/alarm systems has a note in the handbook that states: The code does not require the use of emergency voice/alarm communications systems for any particular application. The code only details the requirements for these systems when required by the local building code, life safety code AHJ, or building owner.

So look at the requirements in those codes.
NFPA 72 The Fire Alarm Code will have a lot of proposed changes. Some of these have been the result of technology improvements and some are the result of 911 and the Homeland Security importance. Mass Notification Systems (MNS) will be addressed as well as other systems in the new Code update. For proposed changes to NFPA 72, see NFPA JOURNAL March/April 2006 issue, pages 58-69. I believe this meeting was held in June.
Hope this helps.
sc57 ford and others

Thanks for the responses. I've designed fire alarm voice evac systems, and believe I have a good understanding of them. This client believes that he needs a plant wide evacuation system in case of hurricanes or tornadoes(in southern New Mexico??), in case of dangerous conditions in the plant itself, etc.

I've asked him to let me know the source of his information, insurance adjuster, OSHA, etc., but was hoping to get a heads up from this valuable resource. I am going to research the mass evacuation system requirements and hopefully be prepared when he calls back.

Thanks again

Jim T
I just got a fire alarm rejection because of lack of voice evacuation system. I did more research and found the Florida Building Code section 907 specifies where a voice evac system is required. It is based on use type and occupancy volume. The building in question was a place of assembly Type A2.( Don't know what it means but the architects do) The F.B.C. requires a voice evac system above 1000 occupants in this type. If it were a Type B, then 300 occupants would require a voice evac.

I am sure more will come.
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