I have a question that I have never gotten a complete answer on and I would like to know all the factors into making an intelligent descion on this question. Where did you find the articles in the code and if not there then where.
I am going to give a hypethetical situation to better illustrate my question at the end.
Lets say that I am feeding an assembly line of equipment. All the equipment is 208 volts and it is lets say 400 feet away. Each Unit draws lets say 30 amps and their are 9 of them. I know that this situation would probably never happen but i use these extremes to better illustrate my point. Now my question is Knowing that I will I have to upsize my wire to 125% of the F.L.A. and Upsize for Voltage drop. My question is does the fact that i upsized for the f.l.a. and upsized for voltage drop do i need to upsize again for deration {T. 310.13}? or could I already use those upsizing of conductors to cover the stipulation for derating to make a cleaner, cheaper, and less labor intensive instalation.
I am going to give a hypethetical situation to better illustrate my question at the end.
Lets say that I am feeding an assembly line of equipment. All the equipment is 208 volts and it is lets say 400 feet away. Each Unit draws lets say 30 amps and their are 9 of them. I know that this situation would probably never happen but i use these extremes to better illustrate my point. Now my question is Knowing that I will I have to upsize my wire to 125% of the F.L.A. and Upsize for Voltage drop. My question is does the fact that i upsized for the f.l.a. and upsized for voltage drop do i need to upsize again for deration {T. 310.13}? or could I already use those upsizing of conductors to cover the stipulation for derating to make a cleaner, cheaper, and less labor intensive instalation.