When conductor size has been increased for voltage drop, such as for pole lighting, the conductors may be too large to terminate on a breaker or lighting control unit. i.e. #8 conductors on a 20 amp breaker or relay that is rated for a maximum #10 conductor.
In the situation I have, the load is 14.5 amps at 480 volts single phase. I want to install #12 wire from the breaker, to the Wattstopper relay's line side and the #8's from the pole's on the load side. The length of the #12 wire is under 48". I cannot find anything in the NEC that prevents this, however another electrician insists this is against code and proper installation practices.
In the situation I have, the load is 14.5 amps at 480 volts single phase. I want to install #12 wire from the breaker, to the Wattstopper relay's line side and the #8's from the pole's on the load side. The length of the #12 wire is under 48". I cannot find anything in the NEC that prevents this, however another electrician insists this is against code and proper installation practices.