Voltage drop testing


Senior Member
How many here are routinely having their residential inspections checked for VD?

If yes, what types of loads are being applied?

Are the inspectors looking primarily for end of run outlets to test on?

I know it’s nothing enforceable but may be interesting to see the numbers.

We have one individual who’s recently started doing it.

Are general purpose receptacles being checked at a 1.5A load and dedicated circuits at say 80%?

Just throwing up random numbers for conversation.
I've heard of home inspectors putting for example 12 amps on a 15 amp circuit to test it with their fancy testers. Why someone would do this is beyond me. In testing these circuits you need knowledge of how the circuit were wired to try and test the furthest point which no one will ever know if they didn't wire it.
There is no justification for this unless the jurisdiction has amendments or maybe an energy code that would come into play.

I seen a few places where the VD problems are on POCO distribution equipment or conductors, not much the inspector can do if that is the case.