Re: voltage drop?
Hurk 27 and Charlie
Why can't you install current limiting fuses at the temp service pole as service disconnect protection? If properly chosen, they likely would limit currents at the load end of the fuses to less than 22ka. In my area, utility meter sockets are specified by the serving utility, and their rating is not part of my calculation.
Secondly Charlie points out correctly that, the fault current at the temp service pole would be reduced by the impedance of the service drop or lateral.
If you have a 100 amp 120/240 volt service, it won't take much #4 triplex to get you to 22ka, if you have an 800 amp 480 volt temp service, the service impedance will still be significant, but less.
If Brooksie will post a description of the service, voltage, size of conductors between xfmr and temp pole, etc. there is a simple calculation for determining downstream fault currents.
Jim T.