voltage drop ?

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South Carolina
18 fixtures with .5 amp ballast at 120 volt, 300 feet total run, #12 wire . What will voltage be at end of run? Would this installtion be ok?


Senior Member
I have trouble calculating voltage drop when all load is not at the end.
You have to calculate one section at a time. This is a problem if you're using Mike Holt's calculator because it doesn't calculate voltage drop, it calculates what size wire, what length, or what current you need to get a specific % voltage drop.


Senior Member
London, England
A good approximation, when equal loads are spaced equaly along a circuit is to assume that all the load is at the mid point of the section containing the load.

For example, 36 lights spaced equally along 100 yards, presume that all the load is at 50 yards.
If there is another 100 yards of cable between the source and the first light, then presume that all the load is at 150 yards from the source.
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