Voltage drop

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Hey guys

I have a house that i wired with 12 and 14 romex(per code). I got the house inspected by city inspector and it has been approved( open wall and service inspection). Now that i am sending the customer a bill, he is saying he used a circuit tester and has more than 5% voltage drop on several outlets, and is not paying bill. I used drills and other power tools on this job, and had no problem. Anyone had such a problem with a customer, and know the code refrence on voltage drop?(single phase 120/240) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
did you test for volts on the outlets he says he has voltagedrop on?if so what did you read.how id he figure 5%vd.howlong are the runs witch has the possible vd on them
... Anyone ... know the code refrence on voltage drop?
There is no NEC requirement for acceptable levels of voltage drop. There is mention of voltage drop, keeping it to 3% for branch circuits, 5% overall, but it is in the form of a fine print note (FPN) or Informational Notes in 2011 edition. These notes are not requirements, nor are they enforceable without AHJ ammendments.
You wired per code. If he wanted less than 5% then he should have designed the job to use larger conductors and paid you more money. In this case VD is a design issue.
Hey guys, thats exactly what i am looking for.(+ - 10% of nominal and at least 108v) I know this is in the code book, but i wasnt sure if it was an enforcable code or a FPN(note). As far as POCO is concerned, i have 125v. That is the normal around here with most POCO. He doesnt want my GC or any of his subs back on job, and he is looking for a reason not to pay. I have a AC circuit tester that has VD, but he wont let me back on job to check it myself. My GC is putting a lien on house, so i was getting the proper paper work and references together.
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