voltage drops and dimming lights

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New member
I am in an conundrum and would like some advice if someone could offer me some? This problem started out two days ago and have been doing extensive troubleshooting I still cannot find the problem.Lack of a wiring diagram would help since i don't have that makes it even worse. only on one ciurcuit throughout my mobile home i am getting various voltage drops through the wall outlets whenever a load is induced on the circuit( lights dimming and pulsating and appliances cease operating). Unfortunately my furnace which is elecric ignition will not operate the blower motor. It drops approximately to 88 VAC on the wall outlet right after it. I am getting the same at the circuit breaker box for that line. Am assuming it might have to do with the inground lines coming and and thinking a bad nuetral. Just need some help in trying to sort out what is in my head and any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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