Voltage from a pump of a water well ?

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Voltage from a pump of a water well ?
These happen when I was working to find Magnetic field in a house.
The house is build on a side of a small mountain, where the is no water supply from municipality, I found a voltage of 6 volts between the house grounding rod of the main panel and the ground wire coming from the cable of the pump locate in the water well ( locate 30 feets of the house). If I connect them together i got around 1 amp and a magnetic field of 35mG all along the circuit and that happen when the main breaker is OFF.
I also find the same six volts beetwen each of the two line wire who are coming from the pump and the ground rod.

When the power is ON in the panel everything in the house is OK except the magnetic field around the pump cable who is always there.

On the opposite side off the water weel, there is a distributor transformer (around 50feets from the house) where the transformer ground rod look's OK

I have disconnect the ground wire coming from the pump water well and everything is work OK, (whitout magnetic field around the cable).. except for the ground protection at the pump.

Where is coming from these six volts ?

Do you think there is a electric ghost around this house ? if not , what that could be ?
Thank you for your interest
There are no ghost, it is not magic in the elecrical field just unsolved electrical issues.

But based on this post, it seems you may be a bit out of your depth in resolving electrical issues. How is it you looking for EMF's.
Thanks for your reference, that?s what i was looking for. I could not find it in french in Quebec, so i try in this forum. I knew it was stray current from distributor but i am not a specialist and i never had the complete explanation of it on paper. I had more then i wanted.

I knew that there is no ghost. About the EMF, I have just read the very good book of Karl Riley " Tracing EMF" and i was able to clear all problem in this house?Don?t worry?
Thanks again
A friend of mine have read many book about the emf. He also follow a course to use trifield instrument to find magnetic and electric field and micro wave.
But he is not an electrician. He check his house and he find in the celling of a room and a warrrobe a subtantial magnetic field. (35 mg at 12 inches) that he could not explain. So i have been to is home and find that the magnetic field still be always there, main breaker ON or Off ! I am an ?lectrician and i teach electricity since 18 year. so it was very curius problem.

After searching few minutes we finally find a cable in the watertank room who was carryiong these magnetic field. It was the one from the water well. After few try, when we where disconnecting the ground in the cable from the other ground wire the magnetic field disapear and we found 6 volts and a current of about 1 amp when it was connected. I knew that the voltage is coming from the ground but as i never connect a water pump in a water well so i was not absolutely sure that there is a distributor stray current. (...)

Since this time, i have read the book of Karl Riley about EMF and i find it interesting. Now i like to think and teach more about EMF in a house.
I find in this book the address of this forum and i send my question..

This cable was a new one who have been installed to separate this circuit and install it on a generator in case of power failure(..)

(The room where the magnetic field was, is use by the wife of my friend to give energetic massage to is custumer ! It is true !)

Nothing else.
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