Voltage Issue???

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Senior Member
Our building electrical panel is 208/120V, owner bought a residentail dryer with 240/120V spec., is there any problems to power it from 208/120V circuit? Your quick answer will be great appreciated.
They do not want to buy buck boost xfmr, I planned to ask them to switch to a different unit with correct voltage.
Our building electrical panel is 208/120V, owner bought a residentail dryer with 240/120V spec., is there any problems to power it from 208/120V circuit? Your quick answer will be great appreciated.
Just about every standard residential clothes dryer has only the heater element connected line-to-line, and the motors (and light) connected line-to-neutral, making them useable on either voltage.

I'm actually suprised this dryer isn't labeled for use on 120/208v as well, as many apartment buildings are powered by 208Y/120v services. Check the wiring diagram or call the manufacturer.
IMO they will be disappointed with the drying times if the voltage is incorrect. They should get a 120/208 volt dryer.
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