Voltage loss or drop

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New User
God's country
Hi guys!

I'm new here, i created an account just to ask this question because i'm stumped!!

So here's the problem;

I have a detached garage with 120a service going out there. I'm in the process of turning it into a woodshop. However, over the summer i started experiencing some sort of voltage drop on the lower voltage stuff. So I have about 5 120v outlets out there, a few shop lights, and an outdoor light all on the same circuit. When i use anything power tool related and i pull the trigger it'll dim the lights when i go to run it, mainly my 15amp 12" miter saw. When i plug the miter saw (into any outlet) and go to run it, the lights will dim and the motor of the saw will just hum, it doesnt even get enough power to run a small miter saw??? The weird thing is, i have a welder and a compressor(both 240v) wired on separate circuits, and they run fine, even if they both on at the same time. So thinking it was just everything being on the same circuit was causing it, I wired in another outlet on its own dedicated circuit and i have the same problems with that one. A buddy of mine seems to think its a problem with the neutral, because the smaller stuff has a neutral, i dont know, i dont even know what he means by that or how to fix it. I dont know alot about electrical, i know enough to get me by doing small wiring jobs but i cant seem to figure this one out. anyone have any ideas?? Please help?

TLDR; Having voltage drop on 120v circuits in garage but not 240v welder and compressor and cant figure out why??
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