I came across a problem today that I've never before encountered in a house. I was trouble shooting a circuit that was tripping as soon as it was turned on after some work in my house. I disconnected all the new work I had done, and went to the panel, with breaker off, and I read continuity from hot to ground, even after I disconnected the new work. I then turned the circuit on, and though I was reading continuity, the circuit didn't trip. I disconnected a few other devices on the circuit to see if I still had continuity hot to ground, and I did. I thought this strange, so I went to grab my fluke to test for continuity, ( I was using my greenlee) and the fluke would chirp one time, but wasn't constant. The greenlee would ring out as long as I held it. So I tested the fluke and when there was obvious continuity, it would remaining ringing till I removed the leads. On that circuit however, with the fluke, it would only chirp one time. So the fluke would chirp, the greenlee rang out clear as a bell, but when the circuit was on, it wouldn't trip. Only think I can figure is there was a minor slice in the romex and was making such lite contact with a ground that it wouldn't trip. Any other ideas?