Volume allowance for clamps

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Hey all, this might be a stupid question but here goes. Let's say I am using metal boxes with NM cable. The cable bushings I'm interested in using are Arlington 1/2", black in color. They are very thin and they protrude in to the box only about 1/4". So in essence, the clamping portion is INSIDE the box versus some of the other bushings that are about 1" long that keep the clamping portion on the outside of the box. I've read 314.16 a few times and it is pretty clear about clamps, but I haven't really gave much attention to theses little NM bushings. What do you guys think, count or not?


Senior Member
Re: Volume allowance for clamps

If you're talking about the ones I think you are there should be an exception for them but you'll have to include them for box fill. :(


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New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: Volume allowance for clamps

I find that some of these things are so ridiculous because they really lack logic. I'm going to deduct one conductor in a box for a piece of plastic that might encroach the inside of the box by 3/16" or 1/4" yet right next to it I have a 3/4" rigid conduit with an inch of thread into the box and a big plastic bushing on it and this doesn't require any deduction. I think that it's safe to say that the provision for keeping the "cable connector with it's clamping mechanism" on the outside was referring to an old style, two screw squeeze connector.

If someone is enforcing this with the Arlington type connectors than I agree with Physis that an exception is needed.


Senior Member
Re: Volume allowance for clamps

I'd think that they might be ignored by inspectors for box fill.

As far as logic and box fill. :D


Senior Member
Re: Volume allowance for clamps

I wouldn't count it at all...code allows for a locknut and busing w/no deduction. The clamp you suggest amounts to little more or less than that.


Re: Volume allowance for clamps

Thanks for the help guys, I didn't think they should be counted either. I'll let you know what the AHJ says.
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