W vs. PPE

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Senior Member
Wilmington, NC
I use type W in wiring of marinas. The code allows W,G, and PPE. W & G are Thermoset insulation and PPE is a Thermoplastic elastomer insulation.

From what I've read, I believe the Thermoset is a more durable insulation.

Could some of you engineers comment on this?

Re: W vs. PPE

and Mr Engineer,
which one is, for the lack of a better term, "smoother".... we have had occasion to pull "W" thru conduits/ The chore is like pulling elephants' teeth (yes we used lube)

hwstiff: any comments from you on this ?
Re: W vs. PPE


I've never pulled any in by hand. Pulled some in with a tugger and some with a construction fork lift. Fork lift was about 25' the tugger was about 150'. Lubed the heck out of it. Didn't have any problems.
Re: W vs. PPE

Thermoset vs. thermoplastic - at higher temperatures, thermoplastic materials become plastic again. They melt, flow, ooze, and change shape. Thermoset materials are set and do not change shape.

In higher temperatures, thermoplastic insulation will go soft and let the conductor move, especially at corners where the weight of the cable is pulling against the insulation. I had a failed 15 kV cable where the insulation got soft and let the conductor slide to one side. The insulation thickness on the bottom was 50% of the thickness on top.

Thermoset materials are usually "sticky". So use thermoset (XLPE, XHHW)insulation with a thermoplastic (PVC) jacket.

If your installation will not see the higher ambients, thermoplastic insulations and jackets are probably OK.
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