Wago wire connectors

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Electrical Contractor
Just hade a new man come to work for my shop. he likes to use wago wire connectors for residential work. I have never used them. what do you think of them ?
Just hade a new man come to work for my shop. he likes to use wago wire connectors for residential work. I have never used them. what do you think of them ?

I use them and wirenuts, depends on the situation.

The six port ones are handy for making up all the grounds in a box.
There fine imo, but if you really want something that will never make you go back to wire nuts try these :thumbsup: (10 year anniversary)

I really like those lever locks. However, it is a good idea to pay attention to how far the wire inserts and give it a tug after.
There fine imo, but if you really want something that will never make you go back to wire nuts try these :thumbsup: (10 year anniversary)


We're sending a job out to a cruise ship next week, and our guys will be using hundreds of the LeverLocks to connect up our equipment. The Europeans love the LeverLocks, and we've been informed that we'll get run out of town if we use any wirenuts. :)

We're sending a job out to a cruise ship next week, and our guys will be using hundreds of the LeverLocks to connect up our equipment. The Europeans love the LeverLocks, and we've been informed that we'll get run out of town if we use any wirenuts. :)


Ahhh, the thanks for the memories lol! Yes, in Europe they are known as "fire nuts" thanks to a bad product run in the 70s. The contempt still lingers strong. But at least we have a product that both sides of the globe can agree on, which is rare as you know. :p
I like them tho trying to push bare #12 into one in the summer gets a bit trying at times with half-slick fingers. And using the minimum ports necessary will mean cutting it off and redoing everything when something gets jumped out of the box. I do like them for completing circuits and running jumpers from receptacles to them, tho few do it that way.

If box fill is borderline or I'm working on existing installs, I still prefer the smallest wirenut possible over a wago. I havent had a chance to use the lever locks yet tho they seem perfect for mixing stranded and solid wire.
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