Walk in coolers

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New member
Houston, TX
Do all fixtures need to be sealed inside a walk in coolers? Since the humidity inside is constantly regulated there really is no condensation worries here. Where in the code book might I find some guidance on this matter.
Do all fixtures need to be sealed inside a walk in coolers? Since the humidity inside is constantly regulated there really is no condensation worries here. Where in the code book might I find some guidance on this matter.

The only thing that needs to be sealed, from both a code and practical perspective is any raceway that passes from inside to outside the cooler.

300.7 Raceways Exposed to Different Temperatures.
(A) Sealing.
Where portions of a raceway or sleeve are
known to be subjected to different temperatures, and where
condensation is known to be a problem, as in cold storage
areas of buildings or where passing from the interior to the
exterior of a building, the raceway or sleeve shall be filled
with an approved material to prevent the circulation of
warm air to a colder section of the raceway or sleeve. An
explosionproof seal shall not be required for this purpose.
Weatherproof enclosures in WIC help flourescent lamps warm up to their optimum brightness.

If food preparation is involved, some lamp shielding may be required by a health code, but I'm just guessing.
Do not omit sealing the raceways, do it while wiring the walk in or you will be back to do it later when the fixtures fill with water.
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